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The Lareau Name Lives On

Dan has a heavy load resting on his shoulders: carrying on the Lareau name.  It was a close call, but, my friends, worry no more.  Dan has fulfilled his responsibility.  Come June of this year, he will have himself a SON, who will quickly assume the responsibility of...


Nearly everyday adoption comes to my mind – Does God’s will involve us adopting one day?  What would our life look like right now if I hadn’t become pregnant? As this baby grows in me and my body feels the effects of pregnancy, I find myself thinking about all the...


He knows our sitting down and our rising up. Psalm 139:2 As you know, we were deep in the adoption process.  Our Home Study was about complete, Dan was making the final touches on our parent profile, we even had the money for the adoption agency fee.  In fact, on...

Home Study. Check.

Deep breath.  We had our final Home Study appointment this afternoon.  There are still a couple things for us to complete, like our medical exams, but besides that, we are finished with that process.  It feels strange to be done with this part of the process after...

Labor Pains

So, on Wednesday we had our first Home Study appointment.  This appointment was a big deal to us.  We had been anticipating it and preparing for it for a while and feel like it was our first big step towards the reality of adopting. The Social Worker counseled us...