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He knows our sitting down and our rising up. Psalm 139:2

As you know, we were deep in the adoption process.  Our Home Study was about complete, Dan was making the final touches on our parent profile, we even had the money for the adoption agency fee.  In fact, on Wednesday, October 6th, I called Adoption Answer to make sure I had the correct address to mail our contract and check to.  The agency fee is a substantial amount of money (although most other places are much more), so Dan had this “crazy” idea that we should be positive that I wasn’t pregnant before sending the check and contract in.

Rather than waiting a few days to see if Aunt Flow was going to make her monthly visit, we met in the middle and decided to take a pregnancy test.  We were SURE it was going to be negative.  Why in the world would it be positive?  The Lord was providing for our adoption so faithfully.  Once I took the pregnancy test, we could mail out our paperwork to Adoption Answer.  I couldn’t believe we had come this far in the adoption process.  We were going to really be in the game and the possibility of becoming parents was becoming more of a reality.

On Thursday (October 7th) morning at about 6:30, I stumbled out of bed, half awake to take this dreaded pregnancy test, even though I was happy about adopting, a negative pregnancy test is disappointing.  This time was different.  The test came out positive in seconds!  I shook my head to wake up a little more, maybe I was still dreaming, but no it was true the positive sign was really there.  I screamed for Dan and told him to get the directions to make sure we were reading it right.  We were.  But he still went to Longs to get another test to make sure it was actually true.  Test #2 and #3 were also positive.  WOW!

We were in total shock, a happy shock! What to do now?  Right away we began to praise God and pray for this baby.

With that, we are proud to introduce to Baby Lareau who’s 12 weeks, 3 days old today.

This is a picture of baby from the 12-week ultrasound we had today.  He/she was bouncing, rolling and kicking like crazy.  From what the doctors can tell, the baby is healthy and growing perfectly.

Today on the way to ultrasound, I couldn’t help but smile because NEVER in my wildest dreams would I have pictured us going to an ultrasound appointment at this season in life.  God’s ways and thoughts are HIGH above ours and we will continue to praise Him!

If you think of us, please pray for the baby and that the Lord would wrap His gentle hands of protection around my womb.