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I love when he stares at me while I’m rocking him to sleep.

I love how he does his very best to imitate his daddy’s faces.

I love the fuzzy hairs on the rims of his ears.

I love the squeaky noises he makes while he’s eating. And sleeping.

I love the one lonely, long hair growing from the top of his head.

I love the way he grunts as he escapes his swaddled blanket.

I love to kiss his chubby cheeks and neck.

I love how he violently sucks on his paci.

I love when he grips on to my shirt with his tiny, little hands.

I love the smiles he has as he drifting to sleep.

I love when he wraps his arm around mine when he’s snuggled on my shoulder.

I love, love, love everything about my sweet boy.