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Dear Friends and Family,

We’ve been pretty quiet on the adoption front for the past year or so… And we’d like to bring you up to date.

A few years ago when we began to pursue adoption and we were considering and praying through all of the different avenues, we discussed fostering, but didn’t have unity and peace in that decision.  We felt God’s peace in private adoption and the Lord faithfully provided for that above and beyond.  God taught us a lot in the waiting and sustained our hearts desire to adopt.  He connected our hearts to an expectant mom who lost her baby who we still talk about and pray for.  We pray God would use our “relationship” with “D” to draw her to Himself.   And we get to remember that sweet baby girl’s life together.  Being a small part of “D’s” life brings purpose to that part of this experience.

Fast forward to about a year ago, Dan and I were updating some adoption paperwork and the topic of fostering came back up. Without either of us knowing, we had both been thinking about the idea of fostering to adopt.  This was HUGE for us.  So, we took some time to pray about foster care and explore some agencies in our area. We sensed God’s peace and had unity in moving forward….

Well, this past week has changed our lives FOREVER!!  We are getting the sweet privilege of caring for a newborn, baby boy.  He has our hearts whether we get to care for him for 3 months or forever.  Our family couldn’t adore him an ounce more!!

Thank you to every single person who has prayed for us, supported us and come along side us.  It really means the world to us!!   We’d so value your continued prayers and support. We anticipate some hard days and emotions to come, but are soaking up ALL the goodness of this sweet, sweet boy right now.  If you’d like to stay updated on our foster care journey, shoot me a message with your e-mail address and I’ll keep you in the loop.

Lots and lots of love and blessings!!!  I’m off to snuggle a baby…